3 New Installation HVAC Mistakes in Concord, NC

When you need to install a new HVAC system for your residential or commercial property, it can be an extensive process with many steps. Because installation is a complicated process be sure to hire a qualified technician to complete the task correctly. Here are three areas that a qualified and experienced technician pays attention to when installing a new heating and cooling system in your Concord, NC home or business.

1. Performing an HVAC Size Calculation

Unqualified technicians may fail to do the math when it comes to installing an HVAC system and may rely on what has proven to work in the past. Heating and cooling systems have changed over the last few decades, which requires performing a new sizing calculation to ensure the appropriate HVAC system is installed.

2. Paying Attention to Ventilation

Ventilation is often an afterthought with HVAC installation, but it’s necessary for meeting energy codes because newer homes are now tighter than older homes. Each property needs proper spot ventilation in each bathroom and the kitchen.

The technician will explain negative, balanced and positive pressure. Hire a company that can offer you guidance on where the ventilation needs to be present.

3. No Cutting Corners on HVAC Installation

You may want to save money when installing an HVAC system. Unfortunately, this might mean using cheap materials, which can result in a poor installation process and frequent repairs in the future. When you hire a company to perform the work, find a reputable professional who invests in quality materials to avoid installation mistakes.

For a quality installation and more information, reach out to our team of experts. Call us at Dulin Mechanical to schedule an appointment to ensure your HVAC system is installed properly in your home or office. Since 1962, Dulin Mechanical Services has been providing all aspects of HVAC services to home and business owners throughout our service area. We are family-owned and owe our excellent reputation to the excellence that we strive for on every service and installation appointment.

Image provided by iStock

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