3 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your AC in Harrisburg, NC

The decision to hang on to your air conditioner after it can no longer function reliably may disrupt the cool comfort of your Harrisburg, NC home this summer. It’s important to know whether your AC is still in good enough shape to get you through the summer. Here are three signs that it’s probably time to replace your AC.

1. Constant Breakdowns

An occasional AC malfunction is a normal occurrence, so you probably shouldn’t jump to replace your system the moment something goes wrong with it. However, repeated breakdowns are a different story.

Frequent malfunctions, possibly occurring as often as every few weeks, signal that your AC’s parts are probably in poor shape. At that point, it would be cheaper and easier to replace the system than to keep paying to fix it.

2. Massive Power Bills

When your AC’s parts start to wear out, its efficiency will drop as well. A massive increase in your power bills is a clear sign of collapsing efficiency. However, to be sure that low AC efficiency is the culprit behind your exploding electricity costs, rule out other explanations, such as increased AC use, leaky ductwork or open windows.

It may be possible to lower your unusually high power bills if you schedule preventive maintenance. Or a timely repair may resolve a minor AC issue. But if your utility bills are still soaring, its likely time to consider replacing your air conditioner.

3. Age

The average service life of a central AC system is about 15 years. Since some ACs may function well beyond this point and others may fail long before it, this is not an ironclad rule. However, once your air conditioner has been in service for more than 15 years, it’s probably near the end of its useful lifespan.

If you decide that it’s time to replace your AC, our team of HVAC technicians is ready to assist you. Call Dulin Mechanical Services, Inc. to ask for AC services in Harrisburg, NC.

Image provided by iStock

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